Abandoned Garbage Dump Geese Genocide

City View Center located in Garfield Heights was built on a garbage dump landfill. Right after construction, the parking lots started to settle, crack, and sink. In 2006, Walmart evacuated due to supposed methane leaks. Additionally, the EPA started to put on pressure about the methane gas underground sewers. After Walmart moved out, the City View complex slowly emptied out and now, during the winter of 2015 the shopping plaza looks like a ghost town. If you go to google earth, you will find this shopping center and you will find a fluorescent green hidden poison lake. I call this marmalade green lake” The Leachate Death Plum Lake”. When I visited this area during one of my Urban Explorations, I did not see and lake life with exception of geese occasionally landing to drink water. No fish, no frogs, not toads, no nothing lives in this lake. There aren’t even any insects buzzing about. Every couple hours, a flock of geese flying above would land into this poison lake. After a while, the geese realize this lake has nothing to offer and leave. I watch this occur for several hours. Unfortunately, many geese are or will be poisoned by drinking the water. These geese may now suffer from; NWHD Normal Waterfowl Habitat Disorder, WDBD Waterfowl dissociation brain disorder, DLP Duck lead poisoning, DW Droop Wing (geese wings hung flaccidly by their sides or sometimes they just fall out of the sky), and even WMS Duck Metals Sterilization.
A major problem arising from landfills is the discharge of leachate which is contaminated with various organic and inorganic pollutants. This leachate leaches into the surrounding soil, ground water or surface water leads small ponds that have severe pollution problems. Some pollutants are Dissolution of soluble salts or soluble organic material. The dissolved organic material such as humic acids will produce a brown color in the leachate. Much of the original organic material in the fill has low solubility but the biodegradation of this material tends to produce more soluble end products such as simple organic acids and alcohols. The nitrogen present in the original organic material is converted into ammonia in the leachate. A landfill quickly becomes anaerobic, thus becoming chemically reducing environments where ferric salts will be reduced to ferrous salts. Ferrous salts are more soluble and thus iron leaches from the landfill. Another means how contaminants leach is via the sulphate in the tip may be biochemically reduced to sulphides, although this may lead to evolution of small quantities of hydrogen sulphide, the sulphide will remain in the landfill as highly insoluble metal sulphides. Suspended solids and turbidity may be present in the leachate due to the washout of fine solid material. Therefore, leachate contains a range of organic and inorganic. Sometimes, the water became as acidic as lemon juice, creating a toxic brew of heavy metal poisons including arsenic, lead, and zinc. This liquid often contains high levels of organics such as methylene chloride, dichloroethylene, toluene, phenols, and benzene and inorganic pollutants including ammonia, heavy metals and endocrine disrupting chemicals, resistent to ordinary wastewater treatment. So I call this Geese Genocide.