Mitchell J. Rabin, M.A., L.AC., is an international speaker and teacher, holistic psychotherapist, licensed acupuncturist, coach, mediator, entrepreneur, business consultant, environmentalist and writer. He has also been hosting and producing a NYC-based cable TV show since 1993 called A Better World. He has been on TV and radio numerous times and with a weekly radio show on Progressive Radio Network since 2006.
Wednesday, May 29, 6pm EDT: The quest for health and wellness starts in the simplest of places: your own home. Based on several things, air quality in the home, from out-gassing carpets and walls to poor-quality paint and finishes, to a damp basement producing mold, getting educated about what’s in your home is essential to a healthy lifestyle.
Mitchell is convening a Roundtable on Indoor Air Quality & Healthy Homes which you don’t want to miss.
Guests are one of the country’s leading indoor air quality exports, Jim Roby.
Jim shares his story. You will enjoy learning about his journey and the relationships he has developed with others in the industry including other members of GIHN in the U.S. and the U.K.
The next member of the Roundtable is Marko E. Vovk
of Ambassador Construction Consultants, which are a Cleveland Ohio based home inspection, residential investigation, and building science-consulting firm?
Its focus is helping prospective property purchasers gain knowledge of the conditions of their new home & identify other house problems or issues such as; the standard ASHI ( American Society of Home Inspectors) home inspection items which include electrical, plumbing, mechanical, structural, roof, grounds, exteriors interiors, pavements, and much more.
This Indoor Air Quality Roundtable will give you the education you need about identifying indoor pollution issues and what to do about them.
This was a small 8 minute segment specifically on radon gas. The full show 60 minutes included mold, mold mitigation, mold cleanup, asbestos, carbon monoxide, methane, fracking, CFL light bulbs, radon, radon mitigation, and other indoor pollution.
A Better World Radio and TV show produced this indoor air contaminants show on Wednesday, May 29, 6pm EDT 2013. The full 70 minutes can be seen and listened to at
You can also Listen on-line at http://” >
Radon invisible radioactive USA second leading cause of lung cancer gas comes from the earth. Most American homes have negative basement lower floor pressure due to HVAC cold air return duct leakage, supply duct leakage in crawl spaces, house stack effects because lighter warn air rises, moist air rise effect because lighter moist air rises, exhaust fans, basement fan contraptions that suck air out of homes, dryer, fireplaces that suck air out of homes, appliances that have power exhaust vents, and attic access panels that are not sealed permitting thermal bypass or escape of conditioned indoor air. These conditions permit radon to be sucked out of the soil ground at cracks, holes, sumps, crawls, slabs, penetrations, and joints. You want a slightly positive lower level pressure minimizing the sucking of radon gas. Check, your lower levels with a pressure gauge, smoke, or even toilet paper to see if have negative pressure or depressurization. You may need to seal cold air returns or sump pumps, keep house fans off when not in use, seal all attic access panels, keep interior doors open, run a basement dehumidifier, condition crawl spaces, install chimney balloons in chimneys not being used, and finally, open the lower level HVAC supply registers to blow furnace air to slightly pressurize. If your basement blows, it cannot suck radon. You can test yourself or have your home and granite countertops tested by a home inspector. If you still have radon, you need to call a radon mitigation, reduction, or removal expert to test, evaluate, and repair or install a sub below slab depressurization system mitigation radon reduction system… Please visit my website http://” >
for more radon information. Please rate, subscribe, and share this video so more people can become aware.