“Henry the HVAC Man” shows how to properly cleans the HVAC blower

Marko Vovk and Henry Sterling show you how to properly clean a draft induced furnace blower, motor, and circuit board. The blower or sometimes referred to as squirrels cage is removed from the furnace blower compartment. The blower is taken to the exterior to be washed and cleaned. After cleaning, the furnace is fired up, tested, and a combustion analysis is performed. Dust permits excessive heat, pressure drop, and friction, all of which can damage the furnace. Compressed nitrogen is used to blow dust off the motor and circuit board. Soap and water are used to clean the blower or squirrel cage. See other related videos of Henry the HVAC Man, Marko Vovk, Clevelandmold, Clevelandmarko, <a href="http://
www.houseinvestigations.com” >www.houseinvestigations.com

No More High Heating Bills Cut and Lower Your Energy Utilities Usage Use

Video shows how to cut, lower, and spend less money on your homes energy and utility consumption. If you follow the easy steps in auditing and improving your personal residence stated this tutorial and educational lesson, you will save money, gas, electricity, and live a more comfortable less expensive life. Your homes HVAC, furnace, or heating system will run more efficiently and keep more cash in your wallet. You will help save this planets resources, be green, and tree huggers will love you. This video in the No More High Heating Bills series will teach how to inspect, fix, repair and modify your house, so your home will properly operate, be efficient and finally will save you a lot of money during the cold winter and hot summer seasons in the USA. Email Clevelandmold@aol.com
Website <a href="http://
www.houseinvestigationsl.com” >www.houseinvestigationsl.com
and YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/Clevelandmarko?feature=mhum