Goats and sheep

Goats and Sheep are being used to eat grass, eat weeds, and clean brush. Goat Lawnmower.

John Deer, Toro, animal activists, vegans, vegetarians, Pet Smart executives and the Mexican consulate are all in Washington lobbying that goats, sheep and cow lawn mower weed wickers is considered animal cruelty, a form of tax evasion, unconstitutional and also they argue that they will increase the unemployment rate.
At this time, the world has 500 million goats and the USA is the biggest goat importer. There are over 200 species of goat and an average goat life span is ten years. You can now scrap your gas guzzling, pollution – spewing lawn equipment. Goats can jump five feet, climb trees, go over rocks, swim and even see in the dark. They’ll chomp on your grass, weeds, bushes, thistle, blackberries, poison oak and ivy, kudzu, vines such as trumpet vine, sage brush, sapling trees (such as pine, cedar, oak), and broom sage . Additionally just like the sheep and cow, they leave fresh fertilizer in their wake and their sharp hooves aerate and churn the soil, making it easier for water and nutrients to penetrate to the root zone.
Both the male and females goats have horns. Not only do goats eat eight pounds of grass and weeds per day, they also can provide milk which tastes great and is probably better for you. You can even get some Mohair or Cashmere. If you have too many goats, you rent them out to your neighbors or just eat a few. The chevon or Cabito goat meat is low in fat and low in cholesterol. No wonder the government does not want you to buy goats. They create cloth, milk, meat, don’t complain, don’t collect workers compensation, don’t sue you for back injuries, don’t pay taxes, plus, you don’t have house them, feed them, groom them or even pet them. Now some goats are picky eaters we need a few sheep.
The world has over 1 billion sheep so they very plenty full. Whatever the goats don’t eat, the sheep will. Like goats, sheep produce wool, their intestines can make tennis rackets, and when you have too many of them you can eat them too. Not only do they taste great, have the lowest cholesterol levels of all the meats, the left over fat can be used to make soap and candles.
Now for your country folk, with several acres, just get a cow which can eat 25 pounds of grass per day. Cows just like sheep and goats are ruminants with four stomachs and all have huge appetites. The only problem with cows, is when you slaughter them to eat, you will need a freezer. I am quite sure you can trade in your John Deer for a freezer.
While at the new farm thing, kick the dog out and put him to work. He could Shepard the sheep goats and cows and protects them from wild animals. While you at it get rid of the rest of the pets. You kids won’t have asthma, you would need prescription allergy medication and you will live longer. If you need to pet an animal, pet a goat.
Goats and Sheep are being used to eat grass, eat weeds, and clean brush. Goat Lawnmower.Music
Ryan Lawrence Manthey (Lakewood Ohio)
Thank You Ryan, you are great.
Mold The Truth We have all been scammed