Cut Energy By 50% Secret Revealed

Save Energy Money Top Secret Revealed Spoof. In this video, I am going to give you a few free top secret energy savings tips, a few facts you probably did not know about, and were going to have some fun.
White is Blight when comes to saving energy and money. Who said you have to wear white sox’s with tennis shoes, and everybody knows the Polaks like to wear white sox’s with dress shoes. However, if you want to save energy and money you need to get rid of all whites. White cloths washing require hot water and hot water is very expensive.
Wrinkles are like small swindles, swindling money right out of your pocket. Throw out all of your wrinkling textiles like cotton, linen, and rayon. These textiles have polymers linked by hydrogen bonds, which are the same bonds that hold together molecules of water. These absorbent fabrics allow water molecules to penetrate these polymer chains, permitting the formation of new hydrogen bonds. When the water evaporates, the new shape becomes locked causing wrinkles. Fine most of you have no clue what I just said, so just buy Nylon, wool, and polyester, and take your heavy steel iron to the scrap dealer because you will not be using electricity to iron anymore. In addition, just unplug your cloths dryer, hang dry, and for speed drying hang the cloths over heat registers
Holiday lights are not alright, especially if your tight. Holidays are overrated and waste time and money. If you want to be festive, just walk a few blocks around your neighborhood became there are plenty other people wasting energy for you.
Dishes won’t lead to riches, when your trying to save money Did you know that one single dishwasher loads water cost is 50 cents, electricity cost is 17 cents, the cost of the dishwasher over ten years is an addition 48 cents plus 15 cents for soap… That’s (1.30 per load). Go to the dollar store and buy paper plates and paper cups. You can get 25-40 plates or cups for a $1. Now you save water, gas, electric and your have spare time. It takes 8-10 minutes to load and unload a dishwasher. Holly Moses, that comes to 48 hours a year, it’s like getting one free week vacation.
You ceiling lights are like parasites. Remove all the ceiling and hall light bulbs. You don’t need them. Roughly, twenty two million Americans are blind or can’t see and these people never complain. Learn to walk in the dark.
A pet will just put you in debt and I’ll make that bet. We have many places where you can take your pets to rome around and live in happy non captive environments If you must have pets have fake or stuffed ones or maybe just get a fish tank with no fish For you lonely people who need a companion, buy a fish DVD/. HEY MARKO where do we drop off our pets at, The Metro Parks where else.
Your toilet paper is like an alligator eating up your hard earned money. I bet you didn’t know that toilet paper has two ply. Just split the ply and get more roll to use in your toilet bowl.
On hot or cold days go OUT and Scout for free heat and free AC like the library, airport, or mall. Send your kids to the in-laws or there friend home and don’t pick them up till late that way you don’t feed them either.
For more great information like how to take cheap ovations by sleeping free at airports, or save many and loose with by not eating one day a week, and how to save a ton of money be staying married, please visit my website at link below. Please watch more videos and don’t forget to rate and subscribe.

If you lked this video you will lkeWatering Your Grass Is Crazy

Carbon Monoxide Inside Your Car

CFL Mercury Light Bulbs Can Cause Cancer

Dryer Vent Cleaning Quick Easy Trick

Cultured Stone Cladding THE TRUTH

Cultured Stone Cladding THE TRUTH

Cultured Stone, veneer, faux or other fabricated stone cladding systems, may be leaking, infiltrating or permitting moisture, water or vapor intrusion. Many of these homes have hidden; inner wall, interstitial, insulation, band joist, sill plate, sole plate, joist, or wall deterioration. Additionally, certified home inspectors who perform moisture investigation evaluations are also finding insects, termite, carpenter ant, mold or musty odor problems. These siding products were specified by architects and were poorly installed by contractors. These installations were similar to the EIFS (Exterior Insulated Finish System) holocaust, epidemic, and crisis, which resulted in class action lawsuits against builders, developers and Dryvit Manufacturers. Installers failed to place the proper drainage plane, drainage space, capillary break, window flashing, door flashing, weep hole, or rain screen. In these poor installations, water or vapor travel from the exterior to the interior of from the interior to the exterior through gravity, surface tension, capillary suction, absorption, solar vapor diffusion and air pressure. Many of these homes, similar to the synthetic stucco homes, will require full moisture surveys to determine if replacement repairs are necessary. Most repairs will result is a 100% tear off removal.

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Watering Your Grass Is Crazy

Watering Your Grass Is Crazy. This video will show how you can find a two extra hours a week to do fun things, how to save money on energy usage, and how to minimize mold, deterioration, and odor in your home. 

Did you know that 3.4 million people die each year from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related causes? Another 325 million people on this earth do not even have access to water.
However, in America, we pour 9 billion gallons of fresh water onto our grass, plants, shrubs, and landscaping every single day. If we do this for forty (40) more years, it would be enough water to empty out Lake Erie which is part of the Great Lakes. .It is my opinion that one the worlds dumbest inventions is lawn exterior sprinkler irrigation system.
Lets water everything, so everything grows quicker That way we can mow, cut, trim, hedge, and sheer the foliage, grass, shrubs and flowers quicker with our lawnmowers, our cutters, our shears, and our weed whackers Instead of cutting your grass every other week, we now have to cut your grass every week because or watering. We then turn and angle the irrigation sprinklers heads toward so our house so the siding gets wet, causing stains and leaks which can accelerate siding deterioration. Some of us run the water for longer periods of time so the water starts to leak into our basement causing mold, odor, and deterioration. BUY THE WAY, that’s your extra two free hours of time every week that you loose because your grass, is GROWING QUICKER due to watering. You could spend two hours on something fun like playing with your Star Wars memorabilia collection or making goofy Youtube videos or Youtube learning videos. Stop, wait a minute, I did not mean to say all that. We need sprinkler irrigation system grass watering systems so the water and sewer companies can charge us more money, and so those college kids have summer jobs to pay off their school loans. We need to run our electric hedge cutters, and gasoline law mores so all the AL GORES of this world can keep writing books on Global Warming. Finally, spending the extra two hours a week cutting your grass is good exercise so you can burn off some collieries from those McDonalds BIG Macs you had ate last week. What about all those people that work in Americas 40 lawnmower manufacture faculties who produce over 800 different riding mowers and push mowers. They need to keep working so they can pay their healthcare and 30 year mortgages. Bottom line, we need to keep wasting water on our lawns, burring fuel and creating emissions, and people from china that make the TORO need to feed their children too.
Thank you this is Marko Vovk from
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Gutter Leaf Gaurds

Gutter Leaf Guards and many other gutter contraptions that roofers install on your gutters are to suppose to keep the leaves out. They do keep the debris out, and many times, they  keep the rainwater out. In my youtube video called “Gutter Leaf Gaurds” I  simulate  a small rainstorm. In the video you can see, the water goes right over the gutter leaf gaurd  gutter contraption. Even when it rains lightly, some of these systems drip water. I have seen some system cause basement leaks and basement foundation cracks because the overflowing water saturates the soil making it much heaver exerting more pressure against the foundation. Some of these systems can cost as much as $3000. For $3000, you can hire a roofer to clean your gutter and this roofer can inspect your roof once or twice a year for 20 years. Oh did I mention, many of these systems also permit winter ice dams.

This is the link to the Gutter Leaf Gaurd Video


Multifamily Radon Testing

Multifamily Radon Testing. Multi-Family Radon Testing. This video will provide important information to tenants, landlords, managers, and building owners about the new HUD guidelines and the new EPA Government requirements for multifamily radon testing. These new rules apply to properties that will have HUD government loans, refinancing, sale, for building purchases, and or renovations that utilize these types of loans.Radon is the leading cause of cancer among nonsmokers in the United States, and can be easily mitigated and removed as long as it has been idenfired. EPA recommends testing all homes and building for radon gas. If the building has 5 or more units, it is considered a multifamily building. There are many radon testers, however, there are not many Multifamily Radon Testers. Most states require separate additional licensing or certification for Radon Multifamily Testing. Check your state for Radon Professionals that are certified to perform Radon Multifamily Testing. This video will show you what to expect when you have your building tested for multifamily radon testing. First, you will need to contact your Multifamily Radon Professional. In the Cleveland and Ohio area, you may consider contacting Marko Vovk. You should contact your radon professional 1 -2 weeks in advance. This gives some time for the Radon Professional order fresh radon tests. Your radon professional may want to meet you and look at the building that will require radon testing. At that time, they will provide some simple instruction and they may also provide some occupant notification signs. These signs will let all occupants know about the radon testing that is being performed. During the schedules radon testing, the radon Professional will post signs instructions, some rules including, but not limited to keeping all windows closed during radon testing period. In Ohio and many other states, all units or all rooms must be tested on the first, basement, or lowest building level. Then every floor must have a minim of 10% of its units tested. Finally, the radon professional is required to add 10% duplicated tests, 10% bland tests and 3% Spike tests. Let’s say you have a 13 story building with 11 units per floor and 10 rooms on the first floor. You would need 10 tests on the first floor, 26 tests on the upper floors, 5 duplicates, 5 blanks, and 3 spikes. This building example would be 48 radon tests. The fee for this quantity of testing can range from $1500 to $3000 depending on your radon consultant, travel time, expenses, etc. Small units would be less and larger units would be more.
Your radon professional will spend roughly 4-8 hours preparing the radon tests, signs, duplicates, spikes, and other paperwork. The radon professional will then go to the multifamily building and begin placing radon tests. A building manager should accompany the radon professional. Placing 48 canisters can take 6-8 hours. It is advised to have one extra back up unit per floor in case an occupant forgets locks their door or they may not be home. If the radon professional has to come back, you can guarantee additional trip charges. Two to three days later, the radon professional will return to the building to retrieve the radon tests. This process is much quicker and may take only 3-5 hours, assuming we are picking up 48 tests. These 48 tests are then sent to a state certified laboratory overnight. The radon professional has 14 days to generate the full report. One copy of this report is sent to the client, one copy of this report sent to the state, and one copy of this report is filed at the radon professional’s office. If you would like to read all the above in detail, please visit our website at http://” >
A link is provided below. If your would like to watch additional radon videos please visit our Youtube Channel ClevelandMarko. Link to numerous videos is below. If you would like more detail please watch our other videos on Radon called, Lower Your Radon, go to our web site at http://” >
You can also email Marko Vovk at
or call his cell number. Please rate and subscribe.
Free easy way to lower radon gas

House Talk Volume 1 Part 4 radon HVAC dehumidifier air filter sump pump crawl space pressure

Radon Radio Marko Vovk Guest “A Better World” Radio with Mitchell J. Rabin

Radon Gas Killer Causes Lung Cancer IAQ

Cleveland Home Inspection from Cleveland’s #1 Home Inspector Marko Vovk

Marko Vovk YouTube Channel ClevelandMarko with 200 videos.

Marko Vovk Website

Radon Information

Conspiracy Brainwashed Americans Cutting Watering Grass

Conspiracy Brainwashed Americans Watering Grass and USA homeowners Grass Cutting. This video will show how you can find a two extra hours a week to do fun things, how to save money on energy usage, and how to minimize mold, deterioration, and odor in your home. Did you know that 3.4 million people die each year from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related causes? Another 325 million people on this earth do not even have access to water.
However, in America, we pour 9 billion gallons of fresh water onto our grass, plants, shrubs, and landscaping every single day. If we do this for forty (40) more years, it would be enough water to empty out Lake Erie which is part of the Great Lakes. .It is my opinion that one the worlds dumbest inventions is lawn exterior sprinkler irrigation system.
Lets water everything, so everything grows quicker That way we can mow, cut, trim, hedge, and sheer the foliage, grass, shrubs and flowers quicker with our lawnmowers, our cutters, our shears, and our weed whackers Instead of cutting your grass every other week, we now have to cut your grass every week because or watering. We then turn and angle the irrigation sprinklers heads toward so our house so the siding gets wet, causing stains and leaks which can accelerate siding deterioration. Some of us run the water for longer periods of time so the water starts to leak into our basement causing mold, odor, and deterioration. BUY THE WAY, that’s your extra two free hours of time every week that you loose because your grass, is GROWING QUICKER due to watering. You could spend two hours on something fun like playing with your Star Wars memorabilia collection or making goofy Youtube videos or Youtube learning videos. Stop, wait a minute, I did not mean to say all that. We need sprinkler irrigation system grass watering systems so the water and sewer companies can charge us more money, and so those college kids have summer jobs to pay off their school loans. We need to run our electric hedge cutters, and gasoline law mores so all the AL GORES of this world can keep writing books on Global Warming. Finally, spending the extra two hours a week cutting your grass is good exercise so you can burn off some collieries from those McDonalds BIG Macs you had ate last week. What about all those people that work in Americas 40 lawnmower manufacture faculties who produce over 800 different riding mowers and push mowers. They need to keep working so they can pay their healthcare and 30 year mortgages. Bottom line, we need to keep wasting water on our lawns, burring fuel and creating emissions, and people from china that make the TORO need to feed their children too.
Thank you this is Marko Vovk from <a href="http://” >

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Grass Cutting

Carbon Monoxide Inside Your Car

Carbon Monoxide inside Your Car. Did you know that when you start your car in cold weather, your automobile could produce up to 80,000 PPM of Carbon Monoxide? When cold motors and car engins first start, they run very rich in fuel. During a cold night, the automobile motor, catalytic converter and fuel becomes very cold. When the catalytic converter is cold, it will not convert the deadly carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide (CO2). In cold weather do not start your cold car with the garage door close. Some of these fumes may infiltrate inside your home. Do not start you car with the garage door open letting it warm up for several minutes while the car is still in the garage. Even with the garage door open, deadly fumes can build to lethal concentrations which may still infiltrate into your home. Additionally, some of these fumes seep and infiltrate into the interior of your car, especially, if the car door is open and are sitting in your car waiting for it to warm up.
This may not happen as often in Florida or Hawaii but it can happen in 70 of the USA cities were it snows or gets cold. For many years, I have been testing this “carbon monoxide in my car phenomenon”. All cars that I tested produced some levels Carbon Monoxide within the interior car with levels ranging between 10 up to 100 PPM of Carbon Monoxide. Older cars produced higher levels. Carbon Monoxide can make you sick even at these low levels. I remember one homeowner taking all types of prescription drugs because she though her house made her sick. Her husband would back his car into the garage. He would cold start the car during a winter morning with the garage door closed. He then opened the garatge door, pulled the car out of the garage, closed the garage door, and drove to work. The trapped carbon monoxide in the garage slowly entered the home sickening his wife.
A few safety rules.
• Never start your car with the garage door closed.
• You should never run car motors or any gas motor in a garage, even if the garage door is open.
• You should never back your car into the garage.
• Make sure your car passes the E-CHECK and make sure it is always tuned up.
• Always repair your exhaust system if it leaks, has odor, or makes noise.
• Finally, start your car with the garage door open. Quickly pull the car out of the garage. Pull the car far away from the garage (20-50 feet away). Quickly get out of the car and leave car windows open. Wait 5 minutes until the car warms up. This will also allow some time for the garage to air out the start up fumes. During this 5 minute wait (you should not be in your car), your car will also air out. After 5 minutes, close the garage door. Get into your car and drive away with the car windows open for at leat one more minute to make sure the interior of your car has clean air. You can also purchase digital Low Level CO detector for your car and one for you garage. You can go to my web site for more information on Low Level Carbon Monoxide Detectors.
Marko Vovk can be reached at http://” >
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LOW LEVEL CO DETECTORS FOR SALE (Range $125-$185) please emails me at
and we can discuss which one you need. Right now, I have only have a few NCI low level units @ $145 shipping included. (Check by mail or you can pay PayPal (
). Please email me first before you pay.
My Website

My Website on Carbon Monoxide

Call Marko with a Question

LOW LEVEL CO DETECTORS FOR SALE (Range $125-$185) please emails me at
and we can discuss which one you need.
More Good Marko Vovk Videos on CO
Ventless fireplace or heaters ruin homes and make you sick

Air Fresheners can make you sick and possibly kill you

The girl who lived on carbon dioxide CO2

Nicotine Stains WOW

Nicotine Stains WOW
How to quit smoking by watching this video
This video will show you what tar, nicotine, and cigarette poison fumes can do to your home and lungs.By watching this video, you may want to quit smoking cold turkey. I made this video and I quit for last time in November 2013. I have not smoked since. I just updated this informaton on 4-3-14. In this video Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk photographs and videotapes a smoker’s home. He has some fun with Windex glass cleaner. He demonstrates how to remove smoke stain tar and nicotine from a phone and refrigerator. Please rate and subscribe. Please send this video to people you love, are friends with that smoke. Maybe they will quit after watching this Quit Smoking in 90 Seconds video.
How To Remove Smoke Tar Nicotine Stains From Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk

CFL Mercury Light Bulbs Can Cause Cancer

House Odor

How to quit smoking by watching this video
Nicotine Stains

How To Remove Smoke Tar Nicoteen Stains From Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk

How To Remove Smoke Tar Nicoteen Stains From Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk. This is also a Windex Prank video by Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk shows a typical American rural home with indoor smokers. The smoke and tar stain the entire home. Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk shows how to clean smoke stains from a phone and from a refrigerator simply spraying on Windex glass cleaner. Later Marko Vovk pranks his viewers by drinking the Windex Glass Cleaner. He really is drinking the COOL BLUE GATERADE thirst Quencher. The end of the video shows Marko Vovk doing the “Switch and Bait” Please rate and Subscribe.
Below is the real history of Windex.
Windex is a hard-surface cleaner glass and manufactured since 1933. S. C. Johnson acquired Windex in 1993 and has been manufacturing it since and reformulated in 2006. Windex was originally colored a light, transparent shade of blue but variety of colors are marketed today such as ocean fresh blue, sunshine lemon, citrus orange, with fragrances such as but no limited to spring bouquet, ocean mist, lavender and tea tree. Windex today also has several additives such as vinegar, lemon, lime, or orange juice.
Windex was invented in 1933 by Harry R. Drackett. Back in those days, Windex was 100% solvent, highly flammable, and sold in metal cans. Today In the late 1980s, Windex was a 5% ammonia solution in 1989. Today the The Sam Wise patent #3,463,735 lists example formulae, one of which is 4.0% isopropyl alcohol (a highly volatile solvent) 1% ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (a less volatile solvent), 0.1% sodium lauryl sulfate (a surfactant), 0.01% tetrasodium pyrophosphate (a water softener), 0.05% of 28% ammonia, 1% of a dye solution, and 0.01% perfume. This cleaner is a chemical and should not be indested as some YouTube Windex Prank Videos show. Windex should not be confused with a bartender tinted mixed drink called the “Windex Shot” which contains vodka, triple sec and Blue Curaccao.