Men should not decorate homes

This short video shows Marko Vovk the home inspector starting a home inspection. As he walks down to the basement, he notices the bad remolding job. He decides the maybe women should do all the interior house decorating and men should wax cars. He also wonders about some of the men who watch the home remolding shows. Marko Vovk in an ASHI home inspector in Cleveland that has performed over 14,000 home inspection in the last 25 years. Please check Marko Vovk on Face book. Please check the <a href="http://” >
website. You can also email Marko at

Interview with OCCUPY drunk homeless man

One FHA and VA home inspector and one HUD and FEMA investigator inspect a vacant, condemned, bank owned, foreclosed home for defects, mold, deterioration, electrical, plumbing heating, HVAC, mechanical, structural, roofing and for other building constituents. After they break in, they find a dangerous employee who is a homeless bum who states he just got a job from “The Bank of America” and his job is to be a house sitter. He is a drunk, dug addict, alcoholic, dirty old man who likes his vodka, porn and prostitutes. The ADHD disgruntle retired postal governmental agent who dreams of being a navy seal, bribes the inspectors into paying a royalty fee to vacate the home. This is one skit from one of our “Jim and Marko Show” classes. ”