Mitt Romney IX Center Cleveland Compilation Election 2012 Republican Rally

Mitt Romney conservative republican right wing presidential candidate who is opposing the democrat left wing liberal Barrack Obama visits IX Center in Cleveland for an Ohio rally. This video is a Compilation on the Republican condidate Mitt Romney. This election 2012 rally on 11-4-12 at Cleveland Hopkins international air port was done at the old army converted Tank Plant IX center. Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk from http://” >
at Clevelandmold@aol and at Youtube Channel ClevelandMarko took an afternoon off from performing home inspections to listen to Mitt Romney the republican candidate’s Cleveland Visit campaign. Mitt Romney a true American Stands for Coal, God, Freedom of Speech, Small business, family values, capitalism, and less government. The 2012 republican candidate opposes socialism, opposed big government, opposes abortion, and opposes wasted free money distribution or “spreading the wealth”.

Interview with OCCUPY drunk homeless man

One FHA and VA home inspector and one HUD and FEMA investigator inspect a vacant, condemned, bank owned, foreclosed home for defects, mold, deterioration, electrical, plumbing heating, HVAC, mechanical, structural, roofing and for other building constituents. After they break in, they find a dangerous employee who is a homeless bum who states he just got a job from “The Bank of America” and his job is to be a house sitter. He is a drunk, dug addict, alcoholic, dirty old man who likes his vodka, porn and prostitutes. The ADHD disgruntle retired postal governmental agent who dreams of being a navy seal, bribes the inspectors into paying a royalty fee to vacate the home. This is one skit from one of our “Jim and Marko Show” classes. ”