1948 Brick Home Inspection Inspector Marko Vovk

1948 Brick Home Inspection preformed by Inspector Marko Vovk . Home Inspector. Cleveland home inspector Marko Vovk will go through a 1984 home and perform a prepurchase home inspection. This inspection will teach you about common problems, conditions and situations that frequently occur in 1940′ and 1950’s homes. Please watch other home inspection video’s on the YouTube ClevelandMarko channel. Please rate, subscribe, like and link. I have several learning CDS for sale on E bay or on my <a href="http://
www.houseinvestigations.com” >www.houseinvestigations.com

“Why in the World are They Spraying”? Cleveland Ohio

“Why in the World are They Spraying”? Cleveland Ohio, Cleveland, and the Chemtrails Conspiacy. In Chemtrails Cleveland Ohio, the weather people lied about the Memorial Day sunset time of 8:49 PM. In Lakewood and all other Cleveland suburbs their was no visual Memorial Day sunset. If you don’t already know, NBC Universal, Bain Capital, Blackstone, the Rothschild’s and few more own most of the weather channels. They are the people that predict and put those graphical meterioralogical dynamic very cool colorful clouds on our TV screen. It is highly probable that these groups may also participant is a “World Classified Project” that is supposedly saving our planet from polar ice melts, methane ocean water boiling, and global warming. If you don’t already know, most of the world governments signed on to Agenda 21. This secret global effort is supposedly saving our planet. This is why you rarely see a perfect sunset. The sunsets are now mixed with wispy cirrus marmalade man made alumna oxide clouds. Memorial Day started out with clear blue skies. Then later in the mooning, the jet streaks started playing tick tack toe. After several hours, each skinny jet trail white cloud would widen to a “Lucy in the Sky Marmalade Cloud”. If you took your eyes off your barbeque ribs that were grilling and looked up at the sky, you would have seen the blue sky turn into a white translucent LSD haze. If your were lucky enough, you may have even seen a Sun Halo Rainbow which appears to be the light reflection from the jet sprayed alumni oxide clouds. They call this phenomenon “GLOBAL DIMMING”. Some say it’s to off set global warming, other say it for weather modification, population control and or inoculation. It does appear that the worlds governments have now have successfully dimmed the sun by 20%. According to certain scientist, this is the magic percentage needed to stop or slow down the polar ice meets. The scientists say if polar ice melts continue, we lose ocean cities. Either we loose ocean cities or we get sick from Chemical fall out from this Atmospheric condoning also known as chemtrails. Aluminum, Stratum, Beryllium, and to the best of my knowledge Bill Gates and his Geo-Engineers may soon dump sulfate into our upper atmosphere. I bet you didn’t know that Monsanto and other GMO companies are producing aluminum resistant crop. Gee, I wonder why we need aluminum resistant crop. It maybe for all that aluminum oxide that is falling from the sky. Maybe it not just the humans that suffer, how about the all the dead tree tops, dead fish, extinction of certain animal species, crop poisoning, ground water poising, all the new skin diseases, Alzheimer’s, cancer and more. What is very cool, is when you look very closely, sometimes, you can see the jet planes refueling in the sky just as if the one I photographed flying over Cleveland last week. PS you need to by a zoom lenses for this one.
Cleveland Ohio Secret Radiation Exposure

Landfill Methane Walmart

Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper Littering Suburbs with Pollution Garbage and poor Waste Management

Chemtrail Planes Refueling

The Cleveland Plan Dealer Free Paper

The Cleveland Plan Dealer Free Paper
The Plain Dealer.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper is Littering Suburbs with Pollution, Garbage, and HAS poor waste management. The Plain Dealer is blighting, polluting, and dumping thousands of pounds of newspaper and plastic onto the more fortunate, rich Cleveland Suburbs’ personal properties. The Plain Dealer accomplishes this by employing delivery contractors who throw this trash in your driveway, driveway apron, lawn, and tree lawn from moving car’s open windows. They do this very early in the morning while you are sleeping. It also appears that the Cleveland Plain Dealer may also be practicing some discrimination, because this pollution and dumping of garbage is only done to the richer unsustainable single family homes defined by United Nations ICLEI International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives” which basically implements AGENDA 21, which Cleveland, Akron, Alliance, Oberlin and 600 other US cities are members off. Many Cleveland suburb cities, which also include Hudson, Ohio and Lakewood, Ohio, are considered unsustainable cities because we own cars, eat meat, ski, and golf, have fences, and live in single family homes. You won’t see this trash dumping on Cleveland’s 66th and St Clair, an inner city area that houses the less fortunate, collective. Every winter when the snow melts, you see hundreds of plastic covered newspapers on my unsustainable Lakewood Street, and many homes have 5 or 6 pieces of this Plain Dealer trash. Furthermore, I see this trash all winter in many other unsustainable single family Cleveland Suburbs during my home inspections. I tell my clients to make a police report and then call the Plain Dealer to come and pick up their trash from their yard.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer and all the Sun newspapers are owned and and or affiliated by Advanced Publications Inc. This is a Multi-Billion-Dollar per year Media Tycoon. This company owns over 50 newspapers, over 50 magazines or periodicals, over 50 internet channels, many cable TV channels and more. Most media in the USA is controlled by a very small group of elite and most of these elite members belong to the “The Council on Foreign Relations”. This is a ruling elite group that is pushing a one World Government. They want to overthrow our Constitution. They want to abolish American Sovereignty, and they want to lower the earth’s population. Furthermore, this group controls the US Government behind the scenes, controls most of the US media, controls foundation grants, and controls education. Finally, they control and guide every single news event and issue of the day. Furthermore, they control most of the news events and issue options that may be available. We are getting bias news.

If the Cleveland Plain Dealer can litter, others can too. The Hudson Hub also owned by a differ conglomerate pollutes the Hudson front yards. What is ironic is that in August 11, 2013, the Hudson HUB reported about a man who threw a soda cup on the ground and a Hudson police officer told the man to pick up his trash or he would be fined. Who is going to fine these conglomerate newspaper polluters? So not only do these entities pollute our unsustainable single family yards, they brainwash us with their twisted bias news and this is the same garage news they print, televise, and distribute through most USA media.

I remember The Plain dealer interviewed me for 1 hour, sent me 200 pages of testing results, and ask me for a professional opinion on The American Greeting Card main building. I told them the building can be repaired. The Plain Dealer interviewer asked me what if it cost millions and millions dollars to clean up asbestos, lead and mold ? What should American Greetings do ? I told them to sell it and move. The next day, the front page read, Mr. Vovk said, “Sell it and move” and that was it. The best part of this is, that I am a nobody, and they wanted an opinion from me.

OK You now think I am nuts. Why don’t you put down your paper, turn off your radio, turn off your TV , and go look this stuff up? While you’re doing this, Cleveland, an ICLEI member will continue to knock down homes, cut off the utilities to these properties, and turn them into temporary urban sustainable gardens.

OH, I forgot the plastic used for the newspapers is a suffocation risk. So don’t try to eat it. Folks, these Brainwashing Media’s are turning its readers into their ZOMBIE COLLECTIVES.
Cleveland Ohio Secret Radiation Exposure

Bigfoot Sasquatch Being Secretly Killed by Government

New World Order in your front yard
The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Termite Conspiracy

Termite Conspiracy. Formosin Termite USA infestation spread by Indians, Trading Post, mail, Cuba, Everglades Ter, Chokoloskee City, US Post Office Box 310, Everglade City, and “Smallwood Store” known as “Ole Indian Trading Post” in early 1900’s. “Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk” traveled to Fort Myers, Marco Island, Naples, Estrus Florida, Everglade City, and Chokoloskee Island. He visited, Alligator Alley, Koreshan Unity Settlement, Dr. Cyrus Teed century home, Watsons Place, Swamp Buggy Race track at the Swamp Buggie Sippy Hole, and it was not until his last stop at the Smallwood Store also known as the Smallwood Trading Post or Ole Indian Trading Post that he discovered where and how the Formosin Termites entered the America.

American Subterranean Termite travel up into the home through mud shelter tubes. “The Formosan Termite” which can have millions of termites only needs humidty, some warmth, and lives in the walls of the home.. The Formosan Termite which originated from China was transported to Formosa Taiwan where it got its name. The termite was then transported to Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and finally Cuba in mid 1800’s. We decided to head to the everglades. We traveled US highway 41 also known as “The Tamiamai Trail” which was constructed in 1928.This Highway which was full of alligators and conveniently called “Alligator Alley, we stopped at Everglade City in a town called Estrus Florida, to check out the “Koreshan Unity Settlement” which was once run by Dr. Cyrus Teed, a cult leader who convinced hundreds of people in late 1800’s, to live in a communistic community. This cult believed that the earth was hollow and that sun, moon, seven planets, and the universe existed on the inside of the earth. We inspected all five of these 100 year old Koreshan structures and only found a few red ant or “flying ant” colonies.

We stopped at the Naples “Swamp Buggy Race Track”. Swamp Buggies are known as “Tumble Bugs” were used in the Everglades in the 1930s because they traveled dry land, shallow mud, sand, shallow water, through dense vegetation, over logs and they floated. This “Mile O Mud” or 7/8 of a mile round tack with one diagonal lane through the middle had three hidden deep mud drops with the largest called the Sippy Hole were some buggies can stall or get stuck. While at the race, one of the Swamp Buggy Beauty Queens said we should charter a boat and travel to the 10,000 everglade islands to look for these termites.

We passed tourist trap Air Boat rides and ended at the furthest boat rental area in the everglades on Chokoloskee Island. Our captain was a 5th generation native named Captain Corey Mac. He took us too several Everglade islands to search for this termite. We did find the famous outlaw Mr. Watson’s Place where a century ago he manufactured sugar cane syrup. Edgar “Bloody” Watson whom now a book about him has called “Killing Mister Watson” would hire transient people to work and when they asked for payment, he killed them. After this serial killer who possibly was one of Jesse James Outlaws that was hiding from the law in the Everglades killed over 50 people, he was gunned down by 33 bullets from locals of Chololoskee Island. We saw endangered species like the “Bald Eagle”, Roseate Spoonbill, several and manatees. Our final stop was famous “Smallwood’s Trading Post””, Ole Indian Trading Post and Museum” which is now a historical site. We noticed a wax figure of the original owner of this trading post named Ted Smallwood. In 1891, Ted Smallwood started the post office box 310 and used the store for the local island gatherings, and mail sorting.
Ted Smallwood would trade with the Indians and with Cuba; He received mail for the locals, and delivered mail to Marco Island and other Gulf Cities. While examining the Post Office area, we noticed it was made of old wood mail and trading crates. Looking more closely, we notice structural damage done by Formosan Termites because of the fecal pellets that were left behind in their destructive galleries. Ted Smallwood may have obtained these Formosan Termites from Cuba in wood crates. These termites were then transported to Marco Island and other Gulf Cities through the mail service. So now, you know the story, China, Taiwan, Japan, Hawaii, and Cuba Ted Smallwood Trading Post, Marco Island, and then the Gulf Cities, with heavy infestation in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Now 100 years later, this Formosan Termite has started to infest the northern states of America. Ohio has already had numerous Formosan termite Infestations. If you think, you have a better story, go ahead, and put in the comment section.
Mold The Truth We have all been scammed

Save Energy Money Top Secret Revealed Spoof


Formosin Termite USA Infestation Spread by Indians Trading Post Mail Cuba in Everglades Chokoloskee

Cut Energy By 50% Secret Revealed

Save Energy Money Top Secret Revealed Spoof. In this video, I am going to give you a few free top secret energy savings tips, a few facts you probably did not know about, and were going to have some fun.
White is Blight when comes to saving energy and money. Who said you have to wear white sox’s with tennis shoes, and everybody knows the Polaks like to wear white sox’s with dress shoes. However, if you want to save energy and money you need to get rid of all whites. White cloths washing require hot water and hot water is very expensive.
Wrinkles are like small swindles, swindling money right out of your pocket. Throw out all of your wrinkling textiles like cotton, linen, and rayon. These textiles have polymers linked by hydrogen bonds, which are the same bonds that hold together molecules of water. These absorbent fabrics allow water molecules to penetrate these polymer chains, permitting the formation of new hydrogen bonds. When the water evaporates, the new shape becomes locked causing wrinkles. Fine most of you have no clue what I just said, so just buy Nylon, wool, and polyester, and take your heavy steel iron to the scrap dealer because you will not be using electricity to iron anymore. In addition, just unplug your cloths dryer, hang dry, and for speed drying hang the cloths over heat registers
Holiday lights are not alright, especially if your tight. Holidays are overrated and waste time and money. If you want to be festive, just walk a few blocks around your neighborhood became there are plenty other people wasting energy for you.
Dishes won’t lead to riches, when your trying to save money Did you know that one single dishwasher loads water cost is 50 cents, electricity cost is 17 cents, the cost of the dishwasher over ten years is an addition 48 cents plus 15 cents for soap… That’s (1.30 per load). Go to the dollar store and buy paper plates and paper cups. You can get 25-40 plates or cups for a $1. Now you save water, gas, electric and your have spare time. It takes 8-10 minutes to load and unload a dishwasher. Holly Moses, that comes to 48 hours a year, it’s like getting one free week vacation.
You ceiling lights are like parasites. Remove all the ceiling and hall light bulbs. You don’t need them. Roughly, twenty two million Americans are blind or can’t see and these people never complain. Learn to walk in the dark.
A pet will just put you in debt and I’ll make that bet. We have many places where you can take your pets to rome around and live in happy non captive environments If you must have pets have fake or stuffed ones or maybe just get a fish tank with no fish For you lonely people who need a companion, buy a fish DVD/. HEY MARKO where do we drop off our pets at, The Metro Parks where else.
Your toilet paper is like an alligator eating up your hard earned money. I bet you didn’t know that toilet paper has two ply. Just split the ply and get more roll to use in your toilet bowl.
On hot or cold days go OUT and Scout for free heat and free AC like the library, airport, or mall. Send your kids to the in-laws or there friend home and don’t pick them up till late that way you don’t feed them either.
For more great information like how to take cheap ovations by sleeping free at airports, or save many and loose with by not eating one day a week, and how to save a ton of money be staying married, please visit my website at link below. Please watch more videos and don’t forget to rate and subscribe.

If you lked this video you will lkeWatering Your Grass Is Crazy

Carbon Monoxide Inside Your Car

CFL Mercury Light Bulbs Can Cause Cancer

Dryer Vent Cleaning Quick Easy Trick

Conspiracy Brainwashed Americans Cutting Watering Grass

Conspiracy Brainwashed Americans Watering Grass and USA homeowners Grass Cutting. This video will show how you can find a two extra hours a week to do fun things, how to save money on energy usage, and how to minimize mold, deterioration, and odor in your home. Did you know that 3.4 million people die each year from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related causes? Another 325 million people on this earth do not even have access to water.
However, in America, we pour 9 billion gallons of fresh water onto our grass, plants, shrubs, and landscaping every single day. If we do this for forty (40) more years, it would be enough water to empty out Lake Erie which is part of the Great Lakes. .It is my opinion that one the worlds dumbest inventions is lawn exterior sprinkler irrigation system.
Lets water everything, so everything grows quicker That way we can mow, cut, trim, hedge, and sheer the foliage, grass, shrubs and flowers quicker with our lawnmowers, our cutters, our shears, and our weed whackers Instead of cutting your grass every other week, we now have to cut your grass every week because or watering. We then turn and angle the irrigation sprinklers heads toward so our house so the siding gets wet, causing stains and leaks which can accelerate siding deterioration. Some of us run the water for longer periods of time so the water starts to leak into our basement causing mold, odor, and deterioration. BUY THE WAY, that’s your extra two free hours of time every week that you loose because your grass, is GROWING QUICKER due to watering. You could spend two hours on something fun like playing with your Star Wars memorabilia collection or making goofy Youtube videos or Youtube learning videos. Stop, wait a minute, I did not mean to say all that. We need sprinkler irrigation system grass watering systems so the water and sewer companies can charge us more money, and so those college kids have summer jobs to pay off their school loans. We need to run our electric hedge cutters, and gasoline law mores so all the AL GORES of this world can keep writing books on Global Warming. Finally, spending the extra two hours a week cutting your grass is good exercise so you can burn off some collieries from those McDonalds BIG Macs you had ate last week. What about all those people that work in Americas 40 lawnmower manufacture faculties who produce over 800 different riding mowers and push mowers. They need to keep working so they can pay their healthcare and 30 year mortgages. Bottom line, we need to keep wasting water on our lawns, burring fuel and creating emissions, and people from china that make the TORO need to feed their children too.
Thank you this is Marko Vovk from <a href="http://
www.houseinvestigations.com” >www.houseinvestigations.com

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Grass Cutting

Dryer Vent Cleaning Quick Easy Trick

Dryer Vent Cleaning Quick Easy Trick
Dryer Vents Ruin Homes and Make People Sick by Marko Vovk

CFL Mercury Light Bulbs Can Cause Cancer

Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk and Sandusky contractor Jim Schwerer show you an easy quick trick how to clean your dryer vent. You can use your leaf blower. This ClevelandMarko video shows you how to clean your dryer vent using your lawn leaf blower. A wet and dry reversible shop vacuum also works. If you do the work yourself, you may save $200.

Some dryer information.

If your dryer loads are taking more the 30-40 minutes, you are wasting money and you better check your dryer vent. The better a dryer vent blows, the less lint builds up in it. Short vents blow better than long ones. Full size dryers blow better than smaller stack dryers do. Older dryers also do not blow very well. If the dryer vent has a lot of turns and elbows, it will take longer to dry cloths at a higher energy cost. Sometimes the dryer vent is full of lint or clogged. A plugged vent will cause a dryer to run hotter and increase the chance of a fire. A dirty vent, however, is only one link in a chain of events that must occur for a fire to start. Other events may include failure of thermostat and high limit switches in the dryer, lint inside the dryer, a missing or damaged lint screen, and a crushed hose behind the dryer.

Rule of thumb: Dryer length should be less than 25 feet minus 5 feet for every 90 bend and minus 2.5 feet for every 45 bend.

A few tips: Clean the lint screen filter before or after drying each load of clothes. Clean the dryer vent and exhaust duct periodically. Clean behind the dryer, where lint can build up. Replace plastic or foil, accordion-type ducting material with rigid or corrugated semi-rigid metal duct when needed.
Take special care when drying clothes that have been soiled with flammable volatile chemicals.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that in 1998, clothes dryers were associated with 15,600 fires, which resulted in 20 deaths and 370 injuries.
Please rate and subscribe. Please visit Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk web site at <a href="http://
www.houseinvestigations.com.” >www.houseinvestigations.com.
Marko Vovk is a Cleveland home inspector who has inspected over 14,000 homes in the last 30 years. Just goggle Marko Vovk for more information.MY WEB SITE

Wild and Crazy Stories By Marko Vovk Playlist
Toilet Shopping Funny

Dryer Vent Cleaning Quick Easy Trick

Fat Man On Trampoline and House Safety

Fat Man On Trampoline and House Safety. Dangerous house. Your House May Be Dangerous and Not Be Safe Fat Man Marko Vovk Explains Home Safety. People get killed, hurt, and injured in homes Safety Secret Revealed. Your baby, infant, toddler, child, teenager, or elder may not be safe in your dangerous home. Many people in America purchased many types of patented household safety items such as plastic plug in electrical outlet protectors so the little munchkins do no get zapped or electrocuted. Many Americans never check many other important electrical conditions such as corrosion or rusting or the electric meter, service, or main electrical panel with can cause power outage, spikes, shorts, arks, and even power fluctuations. Many people never ever checks the electrical panel for double tapped circuits, damaged breakers, wrong type of fuse, poor grounding or over fusing. People need to inspect the breakers and fuses to make sure they are not the wrong size or type. People need to check the fuse or breaker panels and make no mice are chewing the wires. All these conditions can cause shock, electrocution, arcing, power failure, shorts, appliance failure, house fires, and personal injury. In the USA, electrical house fires kill people every day. People should check you electrical panel for defective panels, recalled panels, modified panels or outdated panels. Some panels that your electrician should look for are the Federal Pacific Stab Lok, and Zensco panel just to mention a few. Then inside our homes, we improperly wire outlets, switches and use extension cords that can shock us, case fires, cause burns, kill our pet, and damage our electrical system or appliances. On the exterior, we wire up thousands of feet of exposed extension wire for holiday decorations, poorly install yard lights, improperly hook up water pond pumps, and poorly connect ice melting cords on our roofs.
Many homes have other unsafe conditions such as loose chimney bricks that need tuck pointing. Loose bricks can fall off the roof. We build unsafe conditions with garden structures, playgrounds, decks, and porches. Improper construction can cause failures, collapse, and bodily injury. When these things happen, you generally cannot claim these pre-existing or latent defect to your issuance company blaming it on wind, rain, or a snow storm. Many builders build on bad soil, uncompacted soil, unstable soil, or on cliffs which can result in land failure, house cracks, erosion, and even major accidents… Children like to play on hills and cliffs. We lock up our cabinets with patented special plastic protector door or cabinet locks so bleach or dishwashing detergent does not poison our toddlers. Then we leave our home office doors open so kids can play chemistry with our products we sell on EBay. Furthermore, we leave pantry doors open so heavy glass pickle jars can fall and crack infant skulls not to mention some of us coupon clippers who stack hoarded food so our kids can play king of the mountain.
Nobody ever installs those special anti-tipping device that keep stoves from tipping over when you toddler steps on the oven door to get to the microwave or cookie jar that is located above the stone. Then many of us, who are on pain, depression, sleeping or other medication which our government may now consider “people with menial illness” nicely stacks these prescription medications on shelves, and countertops which resemble the candy store during Halloween. We put up safety gates thought the home and never check out our stairs rail spacing which should be 3 ½ inches so our toddlers head do not get stuck. We take the shape objects off our countertops and then we put up fake fruit decorations which can poison kids or make their teeth fall out. We use air cleaners and HEPA filters to clean the air we breathe, and then we go to the store and buy air fresheners that pollute our homes air with chemicals. We store toys in our asbestos filled vermicide attics. Some of us put up fire escape ladders so the kid on third floor can get out and not worry about the ground children playing who may like to climb. We buy small cute pets for our children to play with and then when the pets grow up and east our children. Some of us have compulsive disorders and buy many toys, so now our kid’s trip and break their legs or choke to death. We buy dust collecting teddy bears that contribute to childhood asthma. We buy dolls for our kids and they let them watch scary killer doll movies. We put stove protectors over our stove burners, they we put BBQ grills or fire pits next to our homes. Yes this list continues. Thank you for watching my video. Cleveland home inspector Marko Vovk can be reached at <a href="http://
www.houseinvestigations.com.” >www.houseinvestigations.com.
Please rate and subscribe. If you have any good video ideas, want to use Marko videos you can email at Clevelandmold@aol.com

Crawl Space by Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk

“Conditioned Crawl Space” by Cleveland home inspector Marko Vovk is explained in this short 2 minute video. Crawl space designs that have exterior ventilation also know as “vented crawl spaces: sometimes create house problems, issues and permit musty odors. Some problems that vented crawl spaces create but not limited to may be, mold, mildew, rot, deterioration, musty house odors, insect infestation, and wood boring insect activity such as termites, carpenters ants and powered post beetles. Additionally, vented crawl spaces could lead to musty cloths odors, mold growth in upper home, poor indoor air quality, heavy dust mite activity, cold floors, condensation and much more. Home inspector Marko Vovk recommends that crawl spaces that are located in cold weather zones like Ohio and most of USA America, should be conditioned crawl spaces. Conditioned crawl space designs are more desirable and would include by not limited to sealing exterior vents, heating, cooling, dehumidifying, installing a 100% sealed floor vapor barrier, installing interior perimeter insulation, and properly managing exterior water sources. Keeping gutters clean, having proper grading, moving sprinkler heads away from foundation are some exterior water management that needs to be implemented. Please visit Marko Vovk on Face book, or on his Youtube channel named ClevelandMarko. Please rate and subscribe. You can get more inforantoikon on Cleveland Inspector Marko Vovk at <a href="http://
www.houseinvstigations.com.” >www.houseinvstigations.com.

Crawl Space by Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk

Drone Spotted over Cleveland

Drone Spotted over Cleveland. Drones watch, photograph, listen, hunt, and sometimes kill or eliminate people overseas and in other bad places. On American soil, they will watch, spy, listen, and document.As of 2013 from some internet sources, it is estimated that the USA has over 7000 UAV unmanned aerial vehicles drones flying in the air all over the world. Some internet sites state that the USA will have over 30,000 flying UAV drones by 2020. I guess you no longer will be able to put up a weekend addition, shed, or dormer without your city watching you. The drones may watch, record and report you to the property tax people. You may not be able to have a garden or collect rainwater. The drones may report you to the Agenda 21 patrol. You may not be able to work on, paint, or fix your home. The drones will report you the state licensing board patrol. You may longer be able to shoot your BB gun, rifle, or pistol on your land. The drones will report you to Homeland Security. The drones can hear, see, and even touch your evil. The drones can photograph, see, communicate, and even attack. Soon the headlines may read, drones collides accidently killing family of four, drone crashes into building killing 9, drone runs out of gas and collides into politicians home, drone attacks a bad person and some collateral damage results. Furthermore, the drones may sell your personal information to big corporations, banks and the New World Order that will serve the collective. Additionally these Globalist entities may continually spam you.
Disclaimer: This video was a PARODY on drones flying over Cleveland. This video was strictly for your entertainment. The video content is not real, may be fake, and is mostly fabricated for your entertainment. Please rate and subscribe. Please visit Cleveland Home inspector Marko Vovk at <a href="http://
www.houseinvestigations.com” >www.houseinvestigations.com
or email him at clevelandmold@gmail.com
. If Marko Vovk does not answer or reply, he may have been attacked by a drone, or accidently shot by Homeland Security, or arrested by the State license patrol, or was sent to one of those FEMA reeducation camps where he is detained, or he just does not give a shit , or he may be busy doing a home inspection. This video is strictly for your entertainment. Furthmore, all contents of this video were fabricated (green screen, model plane, and most above facts that sound real ) for your entertainment. Marko is a home inspector with a sense of humor. If you want to learn about real drones go to a real news Youtube station.
Cleveland Ohio Secret Radiation Exposure

Landfill Methane Walmart

Save Energy Money Top Secret Revealed Spoof

Toilet Shopping Funny

Watering Your Grass Is Crazy

Carbon Monoxide Inside Your Car

How To Remove Smoke Tar Nicotine Stains From Cleveland Home Inspector Marko Vovk

CFL Mercury Light Bulbs Can Cause Cancer

House Odor

Carbon Monoxide Radio Marko Vovk Guest Speaker on “A Better World Radio” with Mitchell J. Rabin

CFL Radio Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb Marko Vovk “A Better World Radio” with Mitchell J. Rabin

Drone Spotted over Cleveland